About Us
How did WorkJuggle come to be?
In 2016 Ciara was racing home from work, stuck in traffic and late for picking the kids up. On one particularly grim day on the M50 she realised she was spending hours of her life on the M50 and really it didn’t need to be that way. And so WorkJuggle was born. WorkJuggle was the first recruitment platform in Ireland to specialise in flexible, remote and contract work.
One pandemic later and it is fair to say a lot has changed since then. We have all realised that for many professionals work is something you do not a place you go.
WorkJuggle was initially run from Ciara’s kitchen table. Since then she has been very fortunate to have some brilliant people join her along the way. Alison Delahunty, Head of Recruitment has been there since the very early days. And then we branched out into Learning. Ciara started running Re-Entry workshops which were non sector specific to help women who wanted to return to the workforce. They were a huge success and from that small acorn a mighty oak has grown. We have now worked with dozens of organisations to provide women with an “on ramp” back into the workforce.
What we are most passionate about
Along the way we have discovered we love running programmes like these. The companies we were working with asked us to come and work with their Graduates as well and so our work in Early Careers began. A passion for Diversity & Inclusion led us to train entire organisations in Unconscious Bias. We are very lucky in that we really love what we do.
As we have gotten busier the team has grown as well. Ciara considers herself very fortunate to work with such a passionate, talented group of people.
To date
In 2018 WorkJugggle was named by Silicon Republic as one of the Top 30 Irish Start Ups. In 2021 Ciara was listed as one of the Top 100 Women in Ireland in the Innovation category and in 2022, Ciara was a finalist in the Diversity in Tech Awards in the Entrepreneur Category.

How Can We Help You?
Contact Aoife Garvan for further information about we can help your organisation grow through Learning.